Sunday, January 27, 2013

Week 4

How is it that we are already four weeks into 2013?  I know it is crazy, but I have really begun to notice time speeding up.  It was something my parents used to tell me when I was a child, enjoy this time while you have it.
Work and home were a challenge this week, but I snuck in a yoga class, some sprinting, and some heavy lifting to battle work stresses. I got myself organized and registered for my next test (eek!).
Here's hoping that next week is smoother and sweeter.  :)
I am going to eat better (and well, make time for eating): eggs and fruit for breakfast, sandwiches and cucumber slices for lunch, stir fry fixings for dinner.
I am going to take time for me/my health/stress relief: hot yoga, run, boxing.... hmm and maybe a new book to read while on the bus?

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Week 3

Ok, I have again worked far too many hours this week, but I slept ten hours last night, bought an airline ticket to Ireland, and spent this evening with some of our closest friends (and their new baby).  I certainly can't complain.  :)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Week 2

Two gym days, a massage and hot yoga.  Trying to find a way to take a week off for a trip to Ireland, and an om to remind me to be kind to myself.
It seems the only things I remembered to take pictures of this week were meals.  :)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Week 1

Started with a freezing run, I couldn't resist the sunshine! 
A busy work week (this may always be true), so I took myself on a date (thai food, my favorite book and some shopping). Eatting lots of salmon (from my Dad), loving clear blue skys, and hot chai green tea at the farmers market.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 in review!

2012">">2012 in reveiw
from coffeeintherain">coffeeintherain> on Vimeo.">Vimeo.>