It's time for bed.
Bed because today was a lot to handle in one day: one of my team gave her notice, and my partner got laid off today.
Yep, that's a big day.
I am really hoping that I can lump in the sprained ankle, call that the three strikes and be done with it. Because Wednesday at 8am I am taking my 7th test required for work, and I am terribly nervous.
So instead of fretting, I am going to tell a secret. I am dreaming of a 100 mile run... It's mad I know, but as they say, if your dreams don't scare you they aren't big enough. This year I am running my first ultra (49k or just over 30 miles). Next year. I hope to run 50 miles, and after that??? Well, we'll see where my big dreams can carry me. :) Yes, this is a much nicer focus for the day.
Night night!