Saturday, December 22, 2012


2013 has been on my mind today.  What can I say, I am a planner! 
For the coming year my goal is to just try to relax, enjoy this year, to be thankful.  I would like to travel, date myself, and date my love more.  Go to hot yoga (often) and end the year another ten pounds lighter.  I will become a marathoner, visit my home state and see friends from long ago.
I will find time to kayak the lakes, and yes, I need to take the water taxi to the beach. 
I am going to rock this new job of mine, watch my love graduate, and become (I am certain) an amazing chef.
In 2013 I hope for dinners and time with friends, wine country, apples, a Christmas tree, I will make time for the holidays and traditions with David.
What do you have planned?

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