Sunday, July 14, 2013

Week 28 - Australia!

I was feeling sick most of the week, a lingering migraine from last weekend that just would not go away.  Work was required attendance thought because Friday I left for Australia!  
I think I got it all done, well... enough done. :)  the house isn't clean, the laundry isn't done, but I guess that stuff will wait for my return, right?
In getting to Australia I flew from SEA to LAX, then had a direct flight from LAX to BNE (Brisbane).  LAX to BNE is a 14 hour flight, and I was worried - how was I going to handle 14 hours in an airplane?  Everyone had tips and tricks and I bought into them all, but truthfully,  all of those lotions and potions were not needed.  I slept for the vast majority of the flight.  Awake for maybe four of the 14 hours, I slept again on the flight from BNE to Cairns!  I think I was just so worn out from this past week that my body took that opportunity to catch up on rest.  It was a beautiful thing.  :)
Once I landed in Cairns I hopped a shuttle to my hotel, checked in and showered, booked my tours for the next few days and then ran out to grab some groceries. So far Cairns is reminding me strongly of Maui, maybe with a bit of Belize tossed in.  There are palm trees everywhere and the humid air already has my hair in curls.
Today I am off to explore Cape Trib and the Daintree rainforest - can't wait!  

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