Saturday, December 22, 2012

I passed!

My life lately has been a series of 70 hour work weeks, studying for a required test, not really having time to eat (coffee!  Weight loss!), workout, or take care with myself.
But today, all of that work paid off, and I an so happy to report that I passed the 1st of 8 tests needed for my CEBS designation.  I really almost cried, I wanted to scream and shout (not at all appropriate in a silent testing center), and am still utterly amazed by that stamped and sealed page issuing congratulations.
It is amazing to me where this year has taken me.  So far away from where I thought I would be, but it isn't a bad place.
I feel like I have made it through the rough bit, at work the stage where yes we have given you the job, but have you lived up to criteria set forth in the offer letter to earn that raise?  And will you be able to accomplish a designation required in order to keep that fancy new job?
Today the answer is yes.

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