Sunday, October 2, 2011

Goals for the week

I have been missing blogging and want to come back to this as a place to post goals, recipes, workouts and travel pics.  I don't know that anyone still is reading, and maybe that is really for the best!  :D I'm blogging from my phone, this is not going to be perfect (gotta love auto correct!), but I really love having stuff to look back on.  
Anyway!  This weekend there was massive cleaning, hanging out with friends (yummy food and aquavit at Ballard's Coppergate - I swear I am now part Norwegian!).  A morning jog, back to sleep, a trip to the farmers market, and then home to make caramelized pear butter (so good!) with David.

Goals this week:
Two sessions with my trainer
Four morning runs
Five POP palates videos
Track my food every day, and stick to my 1500 calorie goal
Flu shot on Monday, take extra vitamin C this week
Buy ticket to Peru!!!!

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