Sunday, November 1, 2009

I forgot!

I forgot to mention - October 29th was national oatmeal day! Did you eat your oatmeal?
I am happy to report pumpkin and almonds are TASTY additions! Give it a shot! :)


Unknown said...

Who knew oatmeal had its very own day?!? When you add pumpkin, do you just used canned pumpkin or something? I eat oatmeal all the time and am always looking for ways to spruce it up. :)

Coffeeintherain said...

Heather - I have been using canned pumpkin. Just add a spoonful of pumpkin and a small handful of almonds when the bulgar is done - I also add a milk float! lol... the heat of your bulgar/oats should be enough to warm up the pumpkin, but you may need to microwave if adding milk too.